Upgrading And Renovation

Upgrading And Renovation

An elevator is an electromechanical transportation vehicle that requires regular maintenance.
Like a car, the elevator is made up of thousands of parts, some of which are required for the elevator (and the safety of the passengers) and the others are designed for elevator passengers in the design and decorative aspects. Either way, the standard operation of the elevator creates natural wear and tear and therefore requires maintenance and replacement parts.

Kfir provides periodic maintenance treatment that is designed to reduce the wear and tear to a minimum and to maintain the elevator's longevity and proper operation.
However, from time to time additional actions are required to maintain the elevator, both in terms of safety and the decorative aspect.
Here the company's renovations and upgrades department comes into action.

The company specializes in elevators renovation, in accordance with the requirements and needs of the customer. We have the knowledge, the ability and the experience to adapt the right parts and work teams to perform the work in the best possible way.

The company deals with all types of renovations and upgrades required, from replacing floors, walls, and ceilings, to replacing a machine and a control panel, all according to the client's needs and budget, in accordance with the schedule set, quality and finishing level characteristic of a productive company with over 35 years of operation.

<p style="text-align: center;">Atir Yeda 11 St, Ezor Taasia Kefar Sava | Mail Box 604 Kefar Sava, Zip: 4410601 Service: Tel: 09-7642828 Fax: 09-7665527 | Industries: Tel: 09-7642800 Fax: 09-7665537<!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --></p>